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A Generous Handmade Quilt for Booster Auction!
Thanks to Krystal Waterbury for donating this beautiful quilt for the Booster Club Auction tomorrow night! There are many great items to bid on – from art to dolls, crafts and gadgets, even garden plants ready to enjoy!
Come Saturday night at the school and support our students as they work to raise funds for sports and academic travel! We couldn’t do it without you!
Good News on SBE Test Scores
by Sherry Hingley
Each year the state of Alaska gives all students in grades 3-10 Standard Based Assessment Tests otherwise known as SBAs. This test is mandated by the Federal Government’s No Child Left Behind Act. The students at Susan B English School did especially well this year. If you see any of these students please congratulate them.
- 33 students tested in 3 subjects, Reading, Writing, and Math.
- All students (100%) were Proficient or Advanced in Reading.
- 19/33 students were Advanced in Reading.
- 28/33 students were Proficient or Advanced in Writing. 10/33 students were Advanced in Writing.
- 29/33 students were Proficient or Advanced in Math. 19/33 students were Advanced in Math.
- All 3rd graders were Advanced in all 3 subject areas of Reading, Writing, and Math!!
The Warm Heart of Africa
by Margie McCord
Mzuzu, Malawi, Feb-March 2012
I just returned after spending 2 months with Byron who is working for the UN as an orthopedic surgeon at a government hospital in a city of about 20,000 people. Even though I am a nurse, I volunteered in the physical therapy department where I learned a lot very quickly because there were not enough PT aides. Continue Reading