Recent Articles
And Now We Have A Book Club!
by Savannah Lewis, Library Director
After I posted just the other day about the availability of interlibrary loans for book club quantities of a title, it turned out that there were enough Seldovians interested that yes, we’re actually going to be starting up a book club.
I am pleased to announce that the Seldovia Public Library and the Seldovia Village Tribe Prevention Program are jointly sponsoring a book club for adults. The first title planned is Charles Frazier’s Cold Mountain and initial plans are to meet on Thursdays at 7 pm in the library once books have been received.
Jenifer Dickson of SVT is the organizing contact for signups and more specific scheduling information: or 234-7898. Signups will be limited by the number of copies of the books available, so don’t wait too long if you’re interested.
In the Media… Ground Truth Trekking Makes Headlines!
by Jenny Chissus
Erin McKittrick and husband Bret “Hig” Higman of Seldovia, once again make headlines and inspire others with their amazing adventures crossing Alaska!
Do check out this article in the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman about a local composer Phil Munger who has created new piece inspired by his friends Bret and Erin’s adventures hiking throughout Alaska, titled “The Wild Coast”! Enjoy!