Seldovia to Host “Made In Alaska” Workshop
by Jenny Chissus

I had a chance to visit with Bill Webb about the program and the services his consulting firm will be providing at this upcoming event!
Gazette: Tell me more about your company and your mission? How are you funded so that you can travel and support independent entrepreneurs throughout the state?
Bill: Made in Alaska is a State of Alaska program, established in law and funded by the Department of Commerce. Our annual budget is $108,000. Webb’s Consulting & Management Services, Inc. is under contract to operate the program and has done so since 1999. We put on five workshops each year. One is always in Anchorage and the other four in different Alaska cities.
Gazette: Will you be the one here in Seldovia teaching the class?
Bill: Presenters in Seldovia this year will be Bill Webb and Dana Reese. Bill is president of Webb’s Consulting & Management Services, Inc. as well as ProgramManager of Made in Alaska. Dana is operations manager of Webb’s Consulting & Management Services, Inc. and administrative manager of Made in Alaska. Webb’s Consulting & Management Services, Inc. also owns/manages Anchorage Market & Festival, North Way Mall Wednesday Farmers Market, Bear Paw Vendor Court, Holiday Food & Gift Festival, Arts & Crafts Emporium and Christmas Village.
Gazette: Haven’t you come to Seldovia before for a workshop? If so, did you have a good turnout? Do you know of any results of the event?
Bill: We held a workshop in Seldovia about 5 years ago and had a great turnout of about 15 people. We are not aware of any results due to the workshop.
Gazette: What do you feel is the most valuable thing you offer folks in this workshop?
Bill: The most valuable thing we hope to give to attendees is the motivation to do something in marketing that will help them sell more product, increase their profits and grow their company.
Gazette: Who will get the most out of your workshop?
Bill: Small business owners, storefront as well as home based, are our primary target and will likely be the ones to benefit the most from attendance at the workshop. Workshop is free and open to anyone.
Gazette: Can you give me a story of someone who came to the workshop, learned something valuable and put it to work? Do you ever get the success stories – hear about the fruits of your labor?
Bill: We see success stories all the time. One workshop will not by itself lead a business to success but it often starts the company on a course to success. Starfish Designs in Anchorage started about 10 years ago with a t-shirt design and Made in Alaska permit. They now have a season long booth at Anchorage Market & Festival, attend many other shows and festivals AND have 7 storefront locations in Alaska. Many others have success stories.
Gazette: Do you work with folks AFTER the workshop to guide, encourage and be a resource for a beginning entrepreneur?
Bill: We work with people in all stages of business development. Often, our help is in the form of advising them where people better qualified and funded may be of assistance, i.e. Small Business Development Center, UAA or UAF, etc.
Gazette: How can someone “prepare” for your workshop so that they will get the most out of it?
Bill: People can best prepare for workshop by:
Bill: People can best prepare for workshop by:
- · Making a reservation 272-5634 or email madeinalaska@anchoragemarkets.
com - · Bringing a sample of your product to show other attendees and to be photographed
- · Bringing a digital camera and its instruction book, if you already own one
- · Attending with an open and positive mind that your business being based in rural Alaska is just something to deal with including finding the right marketing technique that works for your product and is affordable.
Gazette: Bill – thanks so much for your time and selecting Seldovia as one of your workshop cities this year!
Bill: See you soon.