Tag: Seldovia Alaska
Guitar Masters Weekend Concert in Seldovia
by The Seldovia Arts Council
Doug Cox http://www.dougcox.org
slide/dobro master Doug Cox.There are world musicians, and there are musicians of the world. In the case of Alberta-born Doug Cox, this extremely talented six-stringer happens to be both – and a lot more besides. As a young bluesman, this devotee of bottleneck slide guitar had a life-transforming moment nearly 30 years ago when he first saw Jerry Douglas play the Dobro. That eerie, slightly plangent music resonated deep in his soul and changed everything. The next morning Doug went out and bought a Dobro and has never looked back.
Always a gifted slide guitarist, Doug immediately displayed a special affinity for this most expressive of instruments. His talent and passion proved nearly boundless, and before long he was playing and recording with masters such as Ellen McIlwaine and David Essig. Eventually his musical world expanded to include such diverse virtuosos as Indian slide guitarist Salil Bhatt, Hawaii’s Anela Kahiamoe, dearly departed bluesman Long John Baldry, guitar slinger Amos Garrett, and expat Rwandan The Mighty Popo. His own bands and solo recordings display a similarly expansive arc, as the folk-blues of Bone Bottle Brass or Steel eventually led to old-timey supergroup Strung (Band of Gypsies – with Tony McManus and April Verch), New Orleans funk (Make A Better World – featuring John Boutte on Vocals), or countrified Austin Americana in company with BettySoo (Across The Borderline). It’s fair to say that Doug’s extensive recorded output has been at or near the forefront of creative acoustic music for many years now.
Two-time Grammy-nominated Kim is a storyteller; a weaver of emotions and a tugger of heartstrings. Tender, poetic and aching with life’s truths, Kim’s songs transport you to her world, where words paint pictures and melodies touch the soul. And then there’s her voice. Pure, arresting and honest, her voice makes you take notice;
Beppe Gambetta http://www.
From his unique background as an Italian musician in love with both American roots music as well as the music of his native country, Beppe has travelled the world and even crossed the “Iron Curtain” to dazzle and charm music enthusiasts everywhere. After eleven CDs, DVDs, teaching books and collaborations with many other top-flight musicians, Gambetta is increasingly known as one of the true live master innovators of the acoustic guitar.
Park and Garden Improvements
by Suzie Stranik

Thank you to Gordon Giles for pulling the mugo pine boughs and roots from Main Street Garden after the city had a tree trimmer cut the upright mugo members to open up visibility at the intersection of Jakolof Bay Road and Main Street.
Dean Lent and Charles Niemann lent a hand lassoing the root with Gordon’s chain. We’re thankful that the city will haul the pile off to the dump. Anyone want it for firewood?
Now the work begins to put the rock walls back together and remove the weeds.
I will be working Monday through Wednesday on the project, anyone that has time to help out would be greatly appreciated.
Summer Of Heroes Honors a Seldovia Youth, Chance Haller
Alaska Communications, Boys & Girls Clubs – Alaska Announce
2013 Summer of Heroes Honorees
Seven Alaskan youth heroes receive $1,500 scholarships and recognition at the Alaska State Fair
Alaska Communications and Boys & Girls – Clubs Alaska recognize seven youth heroes as part of the 2013 Summer of Heroes program. Alaska Communications presented each hero with a $1,500 scholarship during a ceremony at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer on Sunday, Aug. 25. This year’s honorees are (from top left) Tyrel Gusty of Stony River, Jezzroy Gordon-Wolfe of Fairbanks, Sarah Mixsell of Anchorage, Chance Haller of Seldovia, Eric Gusty of Stony River, and Kearstyn Cotton and Cassie Welch of Anchorage.
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (Aug. 26, 2013) – Alaska Communications, in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs – Alaska, announced its seven 2013 Summer of Heroes honorees on Sunday, Aug. 25, at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer. Corey Allen-Young joined Andy Coon, vice president and general manager, sales at Alaska Communications, and Alana Humphrey, CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs – Alaska, to present $1,500 scholarship checks to each of the heroes during a special recognition ceremony, thanking them for their community service efforts. Continue Reading
Comprehensive Plan Meetings This Week
by Sara Wilson Doyle
6:30 pm Joint Workshop Planning Commission & City Council @ City Multi-Purpose Room
Our consultants will share input themes they have heard so far, possible growth and development scenarios, and start to talk about possible community directions (goals, objectives, and recommendations).
10:00 am – 12:00 pm TRANSPORTATION Focus Group at the Studio (see Wednesday’s description)
3:00 – 7:00 Walk-Through OPEN HOUSE at the Studio
Drop in anytime to see what we’ve heard so far, and tell us YOUR priorities for Seldovia’s future.
Everyone is welcome to participate in these small group discussions at the studio to help us start to flesh out community priorities (goals, objectives, and recommendations).
9:00 – 11:00 am ECONOMY Focus Group
2:00 – 4:00 pm COMMUNITY & HUMAN RESOURCES Focus Group
6:30 – 8:30 pm ENVIRONMENT Focus Group
Continuation of Wednesday . . . .
9:00 – 11:00 am LAND USE Focus Group
Sara Wilson Doyle
Planning & Public Involvement
USKH Inc. | 351 W. Parks Highway, Suite 200 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 907.352.7813 |