Tag: Seldovia Arts Council

Just a Few Notes, Kudos and Thank Yous!

| June 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Susan Mumma, photos taken by Darlene Crawford

I would like to personally thank all those who did such a great job on the Seldovia Summer Solstice Music Festival.  It was a great success, well attended and beautiful to listen to.

I think the spirit of the festival was best seen at the beginning and the end of the festival.  Each night the music was ushered in by Aliah Wheeler and Brian Slover on their Native American Flutes. The notes, so artfully made, soared around the room transforming it.  The evening performances were equally special. Our local group Billy Goat rounded out the Friday night performance with great harmonies.  Saturday night a rousing all-performer ending chorus of “Summertime” was returned by an equally enthusiastic return chorus by the audience, which many of the performers said, sent chills up their spines.

Highlights of the festival for me included the sunny days making outdoor jamming fun,  the high quality workshops that were so well attended this year, and  the shows themselves. Continue Reading