Tag: Seldovia Chamber of Commerce
Seldovia Chamber Readies to Print Member’s Walking Map
Dear Seldovian:
To all the business members of Seldovia, it is time to pay membership dues for 2013. The deadline is February 15, 2013 to be in the 2013 Walking Map/Brochure. Dues are $75.00 per business, $25 for non-business individual, and if you have a second business, they can be listed on the walking map for an additional $20, but they do not have membership.
Your membership presents business opportunity
Seldovia has been getting a lot of great exposure. For example: there has been a lot of exciting and recent publicity for Seldovia with Discovery’s channel Destination America’s new show “Buying Alaska” – as two of the ten episodes have featured Seldovia very prominently. Also, Kenai Heli Ski is opening this winter and putting forth a ton of great advertising for winter skiing in our mountains! Seldovia is in the news and media we are fortunate to get the kind of coverage we could never afford to do for ourselves. Therefore, this is the best time to be active in the chamber as folks are going to be actively looking at Seldovia, and searching for activities around our community.
Business placement on the Walking Map assures your visibility to visitors.
Over 15,000 Walking maps/brochures are printed each year and are circulated throughout Seldovia and the state of Alaska. This is a useful advertising tool, as it is distributed at trade shows, mailed out to inquiries and is readily available in the Seldovia Visitor’s Center, and all businesses for free and easy access to those who visit Seldovia.
Free advertising for your business on the Chambers’s web site.
Some people search out various Chamber of Commerce web sites when planning their trip. Your business is visible and promoted on the Chamber web site which helps the visitor decide on where to stay or simply that Seldovia’s businesses will meet their every need while visiting.
Opportunity to be an active member in the best attended monthly meetings in Seldovia.
The Chamber is active in hosting and organizing various community projects and helps promote its members’ businesses. It is also a great time to network and visit with other members.
As a non-business individual, becoming a part of our Seldovia Chamber of Commerce offers a way to participate in the discussions surrounding the development and creation of opportunities in our city. Our chamber looks forward to having individual memberships, as we carefully consider the whole community as we grow as a community. (individuals not listed in walking map, of course)
We are anticipating a great 2013 and are open to new ideas to further promote our community.
Make your membership check payable to: Seldovia Chamber of Commerce & mail before February 15, 2013 to be included in this year’s walking map/brochure. There’s opportunity for ads in the brochure also. If you had an ad last year, let us know if you want an ad this year!!
Darlene Crawford, Treasurer
Seldovia Chamber of Commerce
PO Box F
Seldovia, Ak. 99663
2012-2013 Officers
Ian McGaughey, President
Rod Hilts, Vice-Pres.
Brenda Barrett, Sec.
Darlene Crawford, Treas.
Board of Directors:
Paulie Carluccio, Jenny Chissus, Crystal Collier, Tim P. Dillon, Dave Rush, and Suzie Stranik