Tag: Donna Herrick

Herrick – Telly Award winning Band is coming to Seldovia!

| August 17, 2013 | 2 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

HerrickAward2I had a great opportunity to meet with Donna Herrick on the phone the other day regarding their upcoming concert here in Seldovia on the 20th. We enjoyed a conversation regarding her excitement about coming to Alaska, and all the things that she is looking forward to while she’s here. Donna is most excited about meeting her fans in the great state of Alaska!  Herrick was in Alaska three years ago and they are excited to be coming back!   She said “Jenny, I can’t wait to breathe in the fresh air and be in the open environment of Alaska!  I love the camping/roughing it experience – so coming to Seldovia, a remote place in Alaska is super appealing!”  The band will also get a chance to go halibut fishing and is looking forward to the opportunity to be on the water and see the wildlife in our area, they are hoping that their drummer, Jeff  “Bradshaw” doesn’t get seasick on this trip!

When I asked Donna how she got started singing, she said that it all started in Southern Gospel music.  One of the greatest things was the crowd in Gospel was so gracious, it was a very safe environment to learn and grow and develop her skills. Donna mentioned that when she was young you could never have seen her on stage at all, but with the gospel music crowd who was so accepting, it was a great way to  ” cut her teeth”,  before she went to Nashville and started writing music.

The band is made up of four individuals: Donna and her husband Kerry, Jeff  “Bradshaw” the drummer and Jefferson Rogers on guitar.  Donna expressed with enthusiasm that this is her best team ever !  She and her husband have been together 12 years and had various support band members.  “Often a band may work really great together, musically, but  for every hour on stage they have 23 Continue Reading