Tag: Mike Williamson obituary

Marlin “Mike” Thomas Williamson – June 17, 1926 – February 11, 2013

| February 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Tsuri (Zon) Williamson

Mike WilliamsonMarlin Thomas Williamson, “Mike”, was born in Corvalis, Oregon on June 17, 1926. He was the youngest of the 5 children of Emma and Charlie Williamson. He lost his mother when he was 3 and grew up with his father and siblings, Lloyd, Beaula, Harry and Chuck. The Williamsons were a lively, good-hearted bunch. They learned young to work hard and take care of themselves and each other. As Mike would say, they were “as independent as a hog on ice”.

In Oregon, Mike learned early to hunt, fish and trap. He told old stories of how he would go out spotlighting with his friends and then on the way home, they would distribute the bounty to families who needed the meat. Mike’s freezer was always full of something good to eat. As much as he enjoyed the challenge of hunting, Mike was never needlessly cruel or wasteful, although he did hold a special distaste for Bears. “The only good bear is a dead bear.”, he would say.
Mike had logged with his father using horses. Soon, he began working as a log truck driver and formed a partnership with his friend Neil Holbrook. This was in the days before power steering or engine brakes. Each load required binders of chain and cable to be tossed up and over the logs which required incredible strength. During his entire career, he never took a sick day; nor Continue Reading