Tag: Seldovia Alaska

HEA Working Hard to Keep the Lights On!

| December 18, 2013 | 0 Comments

By Joe Gallagher

December 18, 10:45 pm – HEA crews have restored power to the St. Theresa Road and Edgington Road area between Soldotna and Sterling. Line crews are continuing to work on the outage off of Robinson Loop on Red Hill Street that is affecting 27 homes. There is also an outage in the Funny River Road area affecting four homes. On the south side of Kachemak Bay, power is out between Little Tutka Bay and McKeon Flats. The area from Little Tutka Bay to Nanwalek is currently being served by the Gerry Willard Generation Plant in Seldovia.

Joe Gallagher

Director of Member Relations

Homer Electric Association

Kenai, AK 99611


907-398-3478 (cell)




Tribal Cache Opens for Christmas Shopping

| December 16, 2013

by Robin Giossi

Thriving Thursdays – Learn Massage Techniques

| December 16, 2013

by Robin Giossi

Fireworks Shopping Trip this Thursday!

| December 16, 2013

Help Fund the Fabulous Fireworks Celebration to bring in 2014!

by Jenny Chissus

Fireworks 2013

Please make sure to catch up with them before they leave on the 19th, as whatever funds they have at that time will be the only budget they will spend for the event.   Thank You so much for being a part of this great celebration!

We’ll see you at the Fireworks Show on December 31st – midnight!

Ready for Snow…2nd Annual Gear Swap a Success!

| December 14, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Damara Burnett

ski_swapApproximately forty bargain-shopping Seldovians showed up last Saturday for the Annual SRSA Outdoor Gear Swap, many leaving with “new-to-them” ski or skate gear . . . just in time for the fresh snowfall. Sellers earned cash for their sold items, and an additional $120 was raised through a chili and cornbread lunch to purchase snacks for winter youth ski outings.

Volunteer Craig Barnard was also on hand at the Swap to help new skiers try out different ski gear and get inspired to hit the backcountry. A special thank you to Craig for all of his enthusiasm and energy to help get people – young and old – outside and having fun!

Also – please note that the Seldovia Sea Otter Community Center now has a new website!  Please go directly to www.SeldoviaRec.com to see all the latest happenings, calendar and updates!

SVT December Mystery and November’s Mystery Revealed

| December 13, 2013

by Jan Yaeger
SVTMuseumDecMystery SVTMuseumNovMysterySolved