Tag: Seldovia Alaska

Superintendent Atwater Announces his Resignation

| August 4, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Pegge Erkeneff | Communications Specialist, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD Superintendent

Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD Superintendent

Soldotna, August 4, 2014—During an executive session with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education, Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent, tendered his resignation, effective December 1, 2014. His resignation was formally announced and accepted during the public school board meeting. Dr. Atwater will leave KPBSD to become the new University of Alaska Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach.

“Deciding to resign as KPBSD’s superintendent was a difficult decision for me,” said Dr. Atwater. “Because my work leading our school district for the past five years has been so rewarding, it is hard to step down. However, I am excited to become the University of Alaska’s Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach, a newly created position. I am appreciative of working for a supportive school board that places our students’ needs as their number one priority and am proud that our district made so many improvements while I was here. I know the district has a clear vision for what is next and is well positioned with a strong team to continue to meet its goals. I thank all of the employees of KPBSD, families, and community members of our borough for their commitment to our school district. It is an honor to serve our students; I look forward to continuing to do so in my new position.”

The school board met in executive session on Monday evening, and will determine the next step for a new KPBSD superintendent. Three options are possibilities: a national search and new hire; appoint a new superintendent from qualified internal or external candidates; or hire an interim superintendent for the remainder of the school year. When a decision about the next step is made, KPBSD will communicate with our staff, schools, families, and the public.

“It is with sincere regret that the board will accept the resignation of our superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater,” said Joe Arness, school board president. “At the same time, we feel sincere pride and happiness in his accomplishments and his movement towards a new challenge. His tenure here has been entirely productive and successful and he can take justified pride in the organization that he has been instrumental in creating and continuing. The district will continue in its current directions. As a school board, we will make a determination as to how to proceed in the process of filling the very large shoes which Dr. Atwater will leave. However, we know that the internal strength of the district and its employees is such that we will be able to find his replacement, get on a steady track, and move forward without hesitation. We certainly wish Dr. Atwater well and thank him for the contributions he made to our district.”

Ode to Seldovia

| August 1, 2014 | 0 Comments
AdamSmithHello Jenny,
I am enjoying your site, only unfortunately found it AFTER my recent visit to Seldovia.  My wife, our friend and myself enjoyed our visit very much and cannot wait to return, knowing that next time we’ll allow for much more time than just one night.
As typically happens after we visit Alaska (5 trips thus far), I’m inspired by the places I visit and people I meet and I found Seldovia to be the best of both.  Therefore, I humbly share the following poem, thusly inspired, entitled “Ode to Seldovia”, written as my personal thank you to those who make Seldovia what it is to visitors such as myself.
Adam Francis Smith

Uniquely civilized;

unseated in City or Wild,

a taupe and topaz pearl;

Seldovia glimmers.


A dim and sea-worn jewel

held safe in a jagged coast’s embrace,

exposed to more heart than hazard,

a rare (even here), unspoiled gem.


Near to the heart,

and dear to the art

of living in familial isolation,

her people seem to match her mood,

become her makeup, blood and brood.


Short or long, her days amaze.

(if Peace could ever be said to move…)


The calls of birds and boats abound,


like her morning breath of gray.

Yet at this time there’s but one sound-

an angel’s exclamation-

that echoes echoes echoes soft upon the bay.


Though Sun in time will find its way

to warm the land where Seldovians play,

escorting traveler’s for “just the day,”

knowing most who visit are wont to want to stay.

by Adam Francis Smith of Elburn, Illinois

Dale Jacobson Brings in the Catch of the Season!

| August 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus, photos by Marina Chissus

Dale and 180 pound halibut

Dale and 180 pound halibut

On Thursday, South Dakota resident, Dale Jacobson, enjoyed his first time to Seldovia, and his first time halibut fishing!   Fishing with their family on board the Peggy -n- Me with Seldovia Fishing Adventures, Dale brought in a beautiful halibut.  The last fish of the day, weighed in at 180 pounds!  He exclaimed enthusiastically: “This was the biggest fish I’ve ever caught, and I am sure this is the biggest one I ever will!”

Dale and Paul, fishing with Seldovia Fishing Adventures bring in 180 and 115 pound halibut!

Dale and Paul, fishing with Seldovia Fishing Adventures bring in a 180 and a 115 pound halibut!

Dale’s brother-in-law, Paul Herman, also from South Dakota, had a lucky fishing day as well since he came in with a 115 pound halibut! “We had a really really good day!  Though the weather was a bit rough going out, it evened out and was a truly a fantastic day!”  This was Paul’s second time fishing with Seldovia Fishing Adventures.   “This has been a fabulous vacation, we’ve enjoyed it immensely.  It has been a great family trip, with my wife, parents and my sister and brother-in-law.  We will certainly let folks know about the great fishing in Seldovia!”

In speaking with Raewyn Weyer of Seldovia Fishing Adventures, she let me know that this 180 pound fish was their biggest fish caught this summer!  Congratulations gentlemen!  Obviously, your freezers will be well stocked for winter with more than Alaska memories!  Hope Raewyn sent you home with some great recipes!

VBS – at The Seldovia Bible Chapel

| July 31, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Pastor Jonathan Hoard

Alaska Communications Lines… Interrupted

| July 30, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

Many of Seldovia's internet and phone connections went down today - here's why!  photo by City Mgr Tim Dillon

Many of Seldovia’s internet and phone connections went down today – here’s why! photo by City Mgr Tim Dillon

This afternoon, around 4pm as Hopkins Brother’s Construction was digging a trench to connect the water and sewer lines for a new home construction on Winifred, the bucket grabbed ahold of the ACS line and shredded a good portion of Seldovia’s connection to the outside world!

Lucky me, I am still on line.  Though a certain many others are still functioning, an unknown number of internet and phone lines are down, until possibly 4pm tomorrow.  Thankfully Dominic with Alaska Communications is already in Seldovia and will be getting an early start on the project in the morning – along with another technician who arrives tomorrow.

As you can see by this photo, taken by Tim Dillon, the line is buddied up with the main power line – so, this situation could have been a whole lot worse!  Thankfully, no one was hurt!  So, consider this a mini vacation, at least from technology for a few hours!

Thankfully cell service is still working – but obviously not wifi in homes that are affected.  I’m on line here on Main Street – so if someone needs a connection urgently – please don’t be afraid to stop by – I’m happy to help if I can!

Yoga for Health Workshop Coming to SOCC this Friday, Aug 1st

| July 30, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Lisa Stanishseldovia flyer 2014