Tag: Seldovia Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition
3rd and final race in Seldovia this summer.
by Jenny Chissus
What a summer we have had! Great days of sun and beach time – and our Seldovia races have been very well attended!
Like the Jakolof Bay 10 Miler and Salmon Shuffle – we are excited to welcome kids to the race – and this year, children’s registration will be free! This is great finale to our summer fun and we hope your whole families will come to participate. Any proceeds from this race will go to the Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition!
Early registration will be on Friday evening at the Competition site (by the Pavilion) from 7-9pm and final registration will be at 9:00am on race day – with the race to start at 10:00am! Awards will be given after the race – along with some sweet treats to replenish!
Looking forward to seeing you there! 🙂
Watch The Chips Fly – Chainsaw Competition 2017!
by Jenny Chissus
Yes, this is ABSOLUTELY my most favorite event in Seldovia each year!
For a small community, Seldovia has an amazing number of great events that happen throughout the year. Activities are sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Arts Council, Seldovia Village Tribe, Susan B. English school and of course the businesses who bring in live entertainment and host events! We are so fortunate to have such an active group of organizations and community members who host such a wide variety of events, activities and celebrations. These are well attended by our locals as well as visitors who enjoy participating in our small, beautiful and intimate setting.
The Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition is a chance for artists to gather in Seldovia over a 4 day period, and create masterpiece carvings out of our large Stika Spruce logs! Many of these artists are accustomed to working with smaller materials, so being able to carve a 26 -45 inch diameter log is a treat! Amazing creations are brought to life!
Since 2006, the Seldovia Chamber of Commerce has hosted this competition and been honored to place these stunning carvings throughout our community so our locals and visitors are able to enjoy them all year long! The community has raised funds through sponsorships to award $3,000 for our first place winner, $2,000 for second place and $1,000 for our 3rd place recipient each year.
Our outdoor museum of over 45 carvings is the best in Alaska! The joy of seeing the rough logs turned into finished art is palpable in the eyes of the onlookers. All weekend long, folks stop in to monitor the progress, cheer the carvers on with encouraging words, enjoy conversations around the campfire while snacking on smores and roasting hotdogs. It is an outdoor community event that lasts for 4 days and costs nothing to participate. A family friendly activity, witnessing the creation of Alaskan artwork in progress!
Carvers and their assistants are treated like the superstars they are, as we host their trip over from Homer, their lodging while in town, as well as all their meals for the entire stay. We invite families to join them on the trip, so it often is a vacation to remember for their whole family!
Thank you to the many volunteers, sponsors, businesses and individuals who make this event a huge success!
There is a lot going on this weekend as the Blueberry Festival returns to Seldovia, the 5K and 10K run on Saturday and the Guitar Master’s concert on Sunday! So come join us this Labor Day Weekend to Watch the Chips Fly!
“Watch The Chips Fly” – Another Huge Success
by Jenny Chissus
The excitement of the competition is palpable! The noise is something you can’t ignore – and the draw to the event site each day is something phenomenal! To see our beautiful natural spruce logs turn into incredible masterpieces each year in the most beautifully situated community in Alaska is an experience that becomes an addiction! If you’ve never seen a chainsaw carving competition, or been to Seldovia – you are missing out!
The Chainsaw Carving Competition is a very special Seldovia event, which not only brings a fantastic weekend of activity, excitement, art and fun to Seldovia, but adds a flavor to our town, a growing ‘outdoor museum’ of art that enriches our community that we are able to enjoy year-round!
This was Seldovia’s 9th Annual CICCC (Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition) which started in 2006 under the guidance and encouragement of two local carvers, Toby and Elaine Craft. (Pictured at the right) Toby and Elaine had competed before in chainsaw carving events and thought it would be a fantastic competition to host in Seldovia. There had always been the ice carving festival in Fairbanks, but the chainsaw carving of local spruce, this was the first of its kind in Alaska! Tom and Mary Glover were instrumental in gathering the committee and an amazing tradition was formed!
This year, along with two carvers from out-of-state, Jeff Samudosky from Gig Harbor, and Chris Foltz from North Bend Oregon, Toby and Elaine came all the way from Texas to be a part of our event as judges! We truly appreciated the opportunity to thank them in person for this GREAT idea – and acknowledge them for being the inspiration and the namesake of our competition! It was so good to see them again in Seldovia! Toby generously awarded our People’s Choice Winner – Jeff Samudosky, with a pair of beautiful hand carved orcas.
The Master Carvers for the 2014 Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition were:

Rob Younkins with the Raven God legend – how mankind received the first salmon – photo by Chris Crosta
Log 1
29″ x 8’4″
Rob Younkins
Anchorage, Alaska
Log 2
35″ x 8’9″
Jeff Samudosky
Gig Harbor, Washington
1st Place and People’s Choice
Log 3
31.5″ x 8’4″
Chris Foltz
North Bend, Oregon
3rd Place
Log 4
35″ x 8’5″
Ben Firth
Anchor Point, Alaska
Log 5
39″ x 7’4″
Derrick Stanton
Kenai, Alaska
2nd Place
With the competition this year, we have almost 50 carvings in our community, representing 9 years of competition! Some folks have referred to the masterpieces as Seldovia’s Outdoor Carving “Museum”! Most of the carvings are outdoors, under cover and in front of businesses and in parks about town, don’t miss those that are located inside the library, museum and Multi-purpose room! If you look at photo blogs from Seldovia, you will note that the majority of the photographers have found that our carvings are one of the most photographed items in Seldovia! The otters, the slough homes and the carvings are the symbols representing our community!
If you are a Chamber of Commerce member, and are interested in hosting one of the carvings at your place of business – please feel free to contact one of the Chainsaw Committee members for consideration. We have our 2014 carvings to place as well as a few others that will be relocated this year.
We want to extend a very appreciative thank you to our 1st Platinum Sponsor, Conoco Phillips, who was our top sponsor of the event this year. We are working with them as they are in the sponsorship position to select a carving of their choice from the competition to place in their corporate office! We will let you know when that is decided!
To the following Silver Sponsors who donated at least $1,000, in cash or in-kind: AeroTech LLC, Alaska Air Taxi, City of Seldovia, Elitewood Cabinets, Seldovia Fishing Adventures, Seldovia Chamber of Commerce, Seldovia Property and Winter Watch. Thank you for your very generous donations and assistance with this event!
We appreciate the community for their support and excitement in hosting the carvers and their families. Thank you to Tobben and Tanya Spurkland, Dick and Sammie Reason, Cory and Dawhn Bodyfelt, Brent and Raewyn Weyer with Seldovia Fishing Adventures and Mike and Nicola Holman who generously offered their homes and rooms to host our carvers this year!
I also have to acknowledge the most AWESOME Committee ever – that truly pulled together to bring this great event to you this year. Unfortunately, due to a family emergency, I had to fly out of Seldovia on the 1st day of the event, leaving the committee to manage the weekend without me. Thankfully, I have an incredible husband, Paul “Sonny” Chissus, who loves the Chainsaw Competition as much as I do, and we have a committee of fantastic individuals: Chris and Liane Crosta, Byron and Margie McCord and Suzie Stranik – who made it all come together!
Thank you to my in-laws, Paul and Ginny Chissus who rallied even more volunteers (Carolyn, Cathy, Harmony & Jan) to assist with the auctions and registration for the Mini Marathon as well as helped out in any other way that came about! Thanks for jumping in and doing whatever needed to be done to make things happen! We totally appreciate Tobben Spurkland who added his experience and professionalism to our 1st annual Mini Marathon! And to the Crosta family, including Bryce and Lindsey who helped mark the course and monitor the marathon! Thank you to Mike Webber and Mark Wegner who assisted on the site and helped Sonny with the logistics and details of running such a busy event!
Thank you so much to Chris and Liane Crosta who took great photos of the event – please enjoy their slideshow below!
To the carvers – Ben, Chris, Derrick, Jeff, and Rob – THANK YOU for being a part of our 9th Annual Craft Invitational Chainsaw Carving Competition! You guys are AMAZING, and we are thrilled to host you and your families! We are so fortunate to have your masterpieces become a part of our Seldovia Community! To Chris and Jeff, who took a chance – and flew all the way from Washington and Oregon to be a part of this small community event! We hope you have enjoyed your time in Seldovia, and that you could feel our appreciation and enjoy the small-town hospitality and exceptional working environment!! Isn’t this the MOST BEAUTIFUL setting for a competition you’ve ever seen? We hope that you will consider competing in our event in the future and bringing your families!

- In the women’s division, Naomi Gallien came in first place, with Jennifer Giles (Swick) in second, and Cola Lewis bringing up 3rd place.
- In the men’s category, Jeff Swick took 1st, Bryan Chartier with 2nd and Keith Swick came in 3rd.
- In the Senior division, Ed Packer took 1st place, and Margie and Byron McCord came in tied for 2nd.
- There was only one runner for the 10K this year – so Lars Spurkland won 1st place (that was easy!) – but I have to mention that he didn’t come in last overall due to the double distance – he crossed the finish line before 9 of the 5K competitors! Great job Lars!
- We did have a Red Lantern Award – which honors the last person to cross the finish line – and that went to Crystal and Courtney Collier!