Tag: Seldovia

Take-Me-Away to Malawi

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Tania Spurkland
SOCC Africa - Malawi

Disaster Training Available

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Dan Nelson

KPB Emergency Management banner

An information session will be held regarding the CERT program on Friday March 8, 12:00pm at the Seldovia Conference Center.  An overview of the program will be provided followed by an open discussion and Q&A time.  The organizers will be looking for feedback from the community regarding scheduling and will have literature about the program and general preparedness available.  A light lunch will be provided to attendees.

The Community Emergency Response Team or CERT is a training program for community members that will teach basic skills that can be useful in the event of emergencies or disasters.  At the conclusion of this 25 hour training, a mock disaster is held in order for the community to practice their skills.  Training provides skills in basic fire suppression, disaster preparedness, disaster medical operations, incident command, and many other skills.

Living in Alaska is not quite like the lower 48 – it takes longer to get somewhere and sometimes we don’t even have a road to get there!  Getting groceries is not as easy as getting in the SUV and running down to the supermarket, and sometimes mother nature decides to bring winter storms, flooding and earthquakes our way.  Residents in Seldovia know that even more than city dwellers in Alaskan cities – planning ahead is essential to make sure there are supplies, fuel, and other everyday necessities.

In addition to preparing for everyday needs, it is essential to prepare for the unexpected and times of disaster.  As we saw last week with the Gerry Willard generation plant, sometimes even the backup goes down.  The Community Emergency Response Team or CERT program exists to train community members how to respond to Continue Reading

Request for Proposals for Industrial 6,000 sqft Seldovia Building

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

by the City of Seldovia

Request for Proposals By the City of Seldovia

Professional Design/Builder Services

City of Seldovia Industrial 6000 square foot building 

Proposals for Professional Design/Builder services for a 6,000 square foot industrial building for the City of Seldovia must be postmarked or received at the city offices, Seldovia, Alaska by 4:00pm, March 29, 2013. The time of receipt will be determined by the City Clerk’s time.

For Proposal Specifications and Evaluation Criteria contact: 

City of Seldovia – City Clerk

PO Box B,  Seldovia, Alaska 99663

(907) 234-7643 

The project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, supervision and other facilities necessary to perform the desired service.  The work includes, but is not limited to the following:

Professional Design/Builder Services

City of Seldovia Industrial 6,000 square foot building 

Please direct all questions regarding this project to:

Tim Dillon, City Manager – City of Seldovia

PO Box B,  Seldovia, Alaska 99663

(907) 234-7643 Or (907) 242-9709 

The City of Seldovia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities or informalities in the proposals, and to award the contract to the respondent that best meets the selection criteria.

Seldovia Arts Council Announces Featured Artists for Summer Solstice

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

by the Seldovia Arts Council

Request for Proposal for Professional Planning Services for the City of Seldovia’s Comprehensive Plan

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

by the City of Seldovia

Request for Proposals – By the City of Seldovia

Professional Planning Services

City of Seldovia Comprehensive Plan 

Proposals for Professional Planning and/or engineering services for a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Seldovia must be postmarked or received at the city offices, Seldovia, Alaska by 4:00pm, April 5, 2013. The time of receipt will be determined by the City Clerk’s time.

For Proposal Specifications and Evaluation Criteria contact: 

City of Seldovia – City Clerk

PO Box B,  Seldovia, Alaska 99663

(907) 234-7643 

The project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, supervision and other facilities necessary to perform the desired service.  The work includes, but is not limited to the following:

Develop a City of Seldovia Comprehensive Plan

Please direct all questions regarding this project to:

Tim Dillon, City Manager – City of Seldovia

PO Box B – Seldovia, Alaska 99663


The City of Seldovia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities or informalities in the proposals, and to award the contract to the respondent that best meets the selection criteria.

SVT Calendar of Events for March

| March 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Laurel Hilts

Please be sure to click on image below to view full size!
SVT March Calendar 2013