Tag: Susan B. English

Otters Play Tuesday at 7:00pm

| March 17, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Robin Giossi
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Thank You!

| February 28, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

Screen Shot 2014-02-28 at 9.55.44 AMTo the generous and supportive community of Seldovia!  This weekend we had the drawing for the Kindle Fire HDX.    Our 7 students got out the door and made phone calls to relatives and friends, and sold $1,925 in tickets to raise funds to attend Close Up in Washington DC this April!  Thankful for the anonymous donation of the Kindle Fire, all those monies go directly to funding travel, lodging and tuition expenses for the trip.

The winner’s name was drawn this past weekend at the High School Basketball tournament, and the winner was Jeanice Janes – Coach Mark Janes’ mother from Texas!   Congratulations Jeanice!  We want to sincerely thank all the generous folks who bought tickets from students, not only once, but twice and even three times!  One local gal said “I’ll buy tickets from anyone who stops by the door to ask!  I love to support our kids and our school and Close Up is a valuable trip!  I just buy a few from each – spread it out a bit!”

Also, we had a baked goods sale that also included a wide variety of items from canned fish, bread, cookies, eclairs to brownies, piroshkis, and two beautiful handcrafted wood items built and donated by Dick Yingling to raise an additional $690!

So, thank you again to the entire community for your endless and continued support of our Susan B English students!

Seldovia Susan B English Principal/Teacher Interviews this Thursday

| February 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Sandy Geagel
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Seldovia Otters Play Tonight and Tomorrow!

| February 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Mark Janes

BoyBasketballTeamPhotoSeldovia Basketball Fans- I haven’t gotten word from the Cook Inlet Academy folks about getting access to their wifi, but if I am able to get on please tune in on your computers to this link at 6 pm for the girls game followed by the boys.

We have the 3rd best record in the region CIA is second. We gotta get em!

Click Here to go to view the games LIVE!


6:00pm Girls Game

7:00pm (or so) Boys Game


10:00am Boys Game

11:30am Girls Game


Thanks for your continued support of our fabulous Seldovia Sea Otters!

Booster Club Fundraising Efforts

| February 12, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Tiffany Haller

Booster Club Fundraising

PAC Meeting to Include Community Input Process

| February 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Sandy Geagel

Community Input Process

Susan B. English School

Parent Advisory Board / Site Based Decision Making Council

PAC / SBDM Council

DATE:   Tuesday, February 11, 2014

January / February meetings Combined

Time change 6:30p.m.  School Commons

To accommodate Community Input Process ….Selection for a Site Administrator

Tim Vlasak, KPBSD Director of K-12


I.                    OPENING ACTIVITIES

a.       Call meeting to order

b.       Roll Call

c.       Approval of Minutes:  February 5, 2014

d.       Approval of Agenda

II.                  PRINCIPAL REPORT

a.       Surveys

b.       KPI

c.       Health Curriculum

III.                OLD BUSINESS

IV.               NEW BUSINESS

V.                 PEOPLE to be HEARD

VI.               COUNCIL COMMENTS

VII.             ADJOURNMENT

MEMBERS: Mark Janes (term ends 10/2015), Lisa Stanish (term ends 10/2014), Heli Hansen (term ends10/2016), Judy Standafer (Principal/Teacher),Renee Purpura (Classified Rep), Karen Bornheimer (Elem/Sec Rep), Cassidi Little (Community Member since