Tag: Tracie Merrill
Seldovia Public Library Receives $1,000 We Love Libraries Award
by Tracie Merrill
On October 19th, Library Board Member, Tracie Merrill, accepted a $1,000 check on behalf of the Seldovia Public Library from the Sisters In Crime. This check was a “We Love Libraries Award” given out to a different library each month by the Sisters In Crime, which is a world wide organization made up of mystery writers, mystery genre fans/readers, publishers, agents, and librarians. The check was presented to Tracie by the Arctic Cliffhangers (formerly the Alaska Sisters In Crime) at their annual Forensics Foray event.
The Seldovia Public Library was selected for the award from a monthly drawing. The library was the winner for the month of July 2013. Former Library Director, Savannah Lewis, deserves a big THANK YOU for originally entering the library in the “We Love Libraries” lottery. To enter, an entry form had to be completed and a photo uploaded of one or more of library staff with at least three books written by Sisters In Crime members (authors).
The award money must be used for books. The Seldovia Public Library Board has big plans for this award, which includes expanding the library’s graphic novel (comic book) section. Additionally, by purchasing books through this award money, this will free up funding through the library’s Public Library Assistance grant which can then be put towards audiobooks. Long story short – look for many new books and audiobooks in the coming months!
In addition to the award presentation at the Forensics Foray event, FBI agents shared about what the requirements are to become a FBI agent and the hiring process recruits go through, how they “turn” informants, some hair-raising situations they have been in, details about serial killer cases in Alaska (particularly the numerous victims of Israel Keyes including the 2012 abduction/murder of Samantha Koenig in Anchorage).
An Alaska Police Department Officer discussed sex trafficking in Alaska and how it relates to prostitution, including a recent case right in Homer, Alaska, involving a fishing boat captain. A mystery writer, Jan Burke, discussed forensics (myth vs. the reality), her use of forensics in writing, and current gaps that exist in death investigations within the US.
The day was capped off with a fascinating 3 hour tour of a real scientific Crime Detection Lab (Crime Lab) in Anchorage. The Lab Manager showed, and explained about, the water tank his technicians use to test bullets/fire arms, breathalyzers, as well as the equipment/process used for DNA analysis; chemical (drugs), blood alcohol, and fire debris analysis; and latent finger print analysis.
The Seldovia Public Library Board wishes to sincerely thank Sisters In Crime and Arctic Cliffhangers for the generous award they have given to the library and to this community as well allowing one of our board members to participate in such an interesting event. If you are a mystery book lover, then you might want to consider attending their Forensics Foray next year or joining the Arctic Cliffhangers. They are a great group of folks!
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