Madison String Quartet
by Suzie Stranik
Looking back at a wonderful evening with the Madison String Quartet; if you missed this, you missed something really special. This event of the Seldovia Arts Council was actually a fund raiser for the Kenai Peninsula Orchestra (KPO). This was the sixth year the quartet has traveled from New Jersey to perform with and do workshops for the KPO. It was a sold out concert from Homer
to the SVT conference center, beginning with sparkling cider and appetizers. The Homer guests arrived via the Seldovia Bay Ferry’s evening run. The Seldovia Bay Ferry was chartered to take everyone back to Homer after the concert. Forty Seldovians also attended the concert and partook of the refreshments. The music was spellbinding, the view incredible, and the food fantastic.
We hope this will become an annual event. Many thanks to the chairs Tania Spurkland and Suzie Stranik for organizing the event and Laurel Hilts for jumping in last minute with the final details.
A big thank you to our sous chefs and servers, Felicia Rowland, Darlene Crawford, Mary Anne Driscoll, and Margie McCord as well as our oyster shuckers Mike Webber and Tobben Spurkland.
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